Get in Touch

contact information
Feel free to ask any tree or land management questions over the phone, or get in touch via our email address. Your message will be dispatched directly to our staff who will answer as soon as they can.

(403) 909-9624

Give Us A Call

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If we are up in a tree we will call you when we are safely on the ground.

Office Hours

non emergency

Regular Office Hours:
Monday-Friday: 8:00 to 4:00

(403) 909-9624

24/7 Emergency Number
Emergency tree service from storms or hazardous trees. Safety is our #1 priority.
Email us at:

[email protected]

Our Service Area

Calgary and Area

What Our Customers Say

Prompt return of our phone call. Professional job and cleanup. Excellent price.
Margaret P
I don’t know why, but it’s difficult to get an arborist these days. However, Matt responded promptly and was at my home for a tree removal estimate within a few hours. His quote was reasonable, so I gave him the go-ahead. The spruce tree was removed the next day, including the stump grinding. They even stacked the wood neatly at the front of the yard. I highly recommend Tree Hugger, they are professional, prompt, and obviously want the work. I still haven’t heard back from other Arborists for a quote, their loss.
OMG, had Mat remove a tree from my yard that was overhanging power lines. He did a great job. I first hired a guy from Kijiji who started the job and left halfway through the job. Not only that, the last guy had half cut a large branch that was over the powerline leaving a dangerous situation. Mat came by and saved the day. He was the danger tree expert.
Art M